Brand Image of Papa Toms Café (Papa Toms Café’s Phenomenological Study in Building Brand Image on Instagram)

Emmy Martiastiwi, Andy Corry Wardhani, Ibrahim Besar, Anna Gustina Zainal


One of the effective social media for marketing communication is Instagram. It is an online platform where millions of people interact virtually every day. It has great potential for a promotional and marketing practice. This research was conducted to determine the implied sense on Papa Toms Café in building brand image on Instagram. The research used analytical description method with a phenomenological approach. The theory used a theory of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) so that it will be able to reveal the sense of Papa Toms Café in building brand image through Instagram. Based on the research results above, it can be conclude that (a) Subjective Sense; Regarding to the IMC Theory, the communication elements applied by Papa Toms Café in the use of  Instagram medium to improve brand image is a means of publicity and direct marketing so that they can carry out sales/marketing directly to consumers, (b) Objective Sense; Papa Toms Café uses Instagram medium to improve brand image which has an objective sense as a means of creating brand awareness. The existence of an open space to communicate between Papa Toms Café and online customers in order to create loyal customers considering the increasingly competitive culinary business competitions, posting schedules must be continuously implemented so that the objectives of the IMC elements carried out can be optimally achieved for Papa Toms Café's marketing objectives.

Keyword: Brand image, communication, media, consumers


Brand Image, Communication, Media, Consumers.

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