Workload Environment Analysis And Optimization Of The Number Personnel Of Ships Using WLA Methods
Navy Ships A is the newest ship in the ranks of the Barque type Koarmada Surabaya made in Spain which has the main task of specialization in Foreign Goods. Since being inaugurated as part of the Indonesian Navy, Navy Ships A has a definite schedule of shipping operations every year to support foreign goodwill, practice training for Khartika Jala Krida Navy cadets as well as protocol duties. While the real conditions that occur, the placement of personnel based on the existing Personnel Composition List (DSP) is very less compared to the number of personnel for the type of sailing ship, which is smaller in size. This makes the workload of Navy Ships A personnel high. This study aims to calculate the workload and work efficiency of Navy Ships A personnel and calculate the optimal number based on the Work Load Analysis (WLA) method. After collecting activity data and task completion time, calculations, and analysis of calculation results, it was found that all departments had met workload standards, namely efficiency levels above 80%, and two departments had high work efficiency levels above 120% so that additional personnel were needed. namely in the operations department and the arms and nautical department. And the optimal total personnel on Navy Ships A is 76 personnel. Thus it requires an additional 12 personnel from the previous DSP which amounted to 66.
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