Learning Math Through Making Shadow Puppet
This research is a research conducted in an area known as Kampung Wayang Indonesia, namely in the Kepuhsari area, Manyaran District, Wonogiri, Central Java. Although in the view of the community making shadow puppets is considered a cultural activity, the things examined in this research are related to other aspects of education. Specifically, it aims to describe findings about aspects of ethno-mathematical learning content portrayed in the process of making shadow puppets. This research was conducted by observing the research subjects, namely early childhood who are skilled in helping the craftsmen of tatah sungging to make shadow puppets. The research methodology used in this research is qualitative with the Spreadley model ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques in this study using interview data collection techniques, documentation, and observation. The results of this study indicate that the tatah sungging activities of Kepuhsari children in assisting inlaid craftsmen represent the existence of mathematics learning content in the aspects of learning patterns and learning geometric shapes. This learning content is technically learned by children through the process of making shadow puppets that are made precisely with imitated shadow puppets characters. The research also found supporting factors for the emergence of this ethno-mathematical learning process, namely the philosophical value of shadow puppets and the level of difficulty in making shadow puppets work through tatah sungging’s craft.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v27.1.3098
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