Effets De La Co-Inoculation Des Champignons Mycorhiziens Et Rhizobiums Sur Les Performances Agronomiques De Deux Variétés De Soja (Glycine Max L.) A l’Ouest Cameroun : Cas De l’Arrondissement De Dschang



The present study investigated the co-inoculation of mycorrhizal and rhizobial fungi with the objective of analyzing its effect on the agronomic performance of two soybean varieties (Glycine max L). The analysis of the soil pH was 5.7, largely around the standard of soil acidity of legumes. The application of the treatments on soybean varieties showed a significant effect (P<0.05) on several parameters, namely plant height, number of pods/plant with 3 and 2 seeds, number of nodules, dry weight of nodules, biomass, total nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll. Indeed, the rhizobium and rhizobium+mycorrhiza treatment presents a chlorophyll level of 42.04±3.79 mg/g and 31.16±9.23mg/g compared to the control which is 23.32±5.8 mg/g and 11.89±3.60mg/g respectively for TGX 1834-5E and SC SAGA varieties On the other hand, the interdependence between varieties and treatments, as well as the application of treatments on the two soybean varieties had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the number of leaves as well as on the number of pods/plant at 4 seeds and 0 seeds compared to the controls in both varieties. In addition, the application of the treatments on both soybean varieties shows that they have a significant effect (P<0.05) on yield in tons per hectare at the variety level and between varieties. The rhizobium+mycorrhiza treatment showed the best pod yield for the varietyTGX 1834-5E of 2.02±0.03T/ha versus1.85±0.04T/ha for the variety SC SAGA.


Co-inoculation, champignons, mycorhize, rhizobium, soja, sol.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v26.2.3070


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