Cloud - Guaranteed And Secure Access To Your Data

Kurbanov Zafar Mamanazarovich, Ergasheva Mamura Gayratovna


This article gives you a brief overview on cloud technology and its services. Simply put, the cloud is a guaranteed and secure access to our personal information at all times. There is no doubt that cloud technology is one of the most popular and exciting topics in the IT industry today, and more and more interesting solutions are emerging. The future of cloud technology is very bright. Because giants like Microsoft, Apple and Google have done and are doing a lot of work in this area. Today, the benefits of cloud technology can be felt even by people who are not related to software, web technology and other things. The article also provides information about the services of Microsoft and Google. In general, the article provides information on the effective use of various hardware, software, methodologies and tools provided to users of cloud technologies as Internet services to achieve their goals, objectives, projects.


Storage-as-a-Service, Database-as-a-Service, Process-as-a-Service, Microsoft Project Online, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Microsoft Power Automate, Google Analytics, Google Classroom, Google Duo

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