Validity And Practicity Of Flipped Guided Inquiry Based Learning (FGIL) Model In Chemical Kinetics For Year 1 Students
This research was motivated by the Covid-19 virus pandemic that has hit globally, including Indonesia. The pandemic that occurred caused the learning system to be shifted to an online system. The challenge faced by teachers in online learning systems was the teachers have to think about an appropriate learning to be done with an online system. This study aims to develop and reveal the level of validity and practicality of the Flipped-Guided Inquiry Based Learning (FGIL) model which developed for learning in tertiary institutions. The type of research undertaken was Educational Design Research (EDR) with the Plomp development model. The subjects of this study were chemistry lecturers at Padang State University (UNP) and chemistry students who are studying general chemistry. The instruments used were the validation sheet to test the validity, and the practicality sheet to test the practicality. The validation was carried out by 4 chemistry lecturers and one to one by 3 students. The practicality test was carried out on 40 1st year students taking general chemistry courses. Analysis of the validity and practicality data, the value for the validity test was 0.85 with the valid category, and the practicality test was obtained for 0.82 with the very high practicality category. The results show that the FGIL model is valid, practical and effective and can be applied by lecturers in lectures.
Keywords: Guided Inquiry, Flipped Classroom, FGIL, Chemical KineticsKeywords
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