The Implementation Distance Learning System in Vocational Studies IPB University (Case of Communication Study Program)

Hari Otang Sasmita, Wahyu Budi Priatna


The policy of implementing a distance learning system in Indonesia is an inevitable choice to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The reliability of information and communication technology is taking place to give the success of the learning process. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of online learning systems (OLS) by using the C- context, I- input, P- process, P- product (CIPP) evaluation model. The research approach used is quantitative with descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the distance learning system applied in communication study program College of Vocational Studies IPB University obtained a TPR score of 80.77% in the context component which means it is classified as a good category; input obtained TPR score as 65.61% which falls into the fairly good category; the process obtained TPR score as 53.2% which is in the bad category, and the product components in the use of LMS IPB obtained TPR score as 60.45% classified in the unfavorable category. However, Google Classroom obtained a TPR score of 77.13% which is quite good. This study can show that overall the distance learning system program in the IPB Vocational School Communication Study Program environment is good enough so that it can still improve the quality.


CIPP Model, communication media, learning management system, learning media, vocational studies.

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