The Role of Public Relations Management Islamic Boarding School in Maintaining Existence Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School in Jambi Province

Edi Putra Jaya, Ahmad Syukri, Kasful Anwar Us


The goal of this research is to examine, understand and explain the management of public relations at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools, in order to understand the differences that occur at each Islamic Boarding Schools, theoretical orientation is also used with the theoretical approach of public relations, communication and image building to understand the nature of its implementation. This form of study is in the area of qualitative research methods and approaches. The social situation in three Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools in Jambi Province. Data analysis techniques in this study use the flow data analysis model. The data reliability test that the author did was a triangulation test. From the results of the study concluded that the existence of public relations at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School in Jambi Province operates with good cooperation between Kiai, Ustadz and students and operates independently without being structured.

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