The Importance of Actor Capacity Improvement in Village Sustainable Tourism Business Through Marketing Communication Based On Social Media

Hudi Santoso, Amiruddin Saleh, Musa Hubeis, Wahyu Budi Priatna


Tourism is one of the important leading sectors that can be developed to improve the human resources (HR) quality and community welfare.Based on 17 points of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tourism sector can contribute to several points such as reducing poverty, supportingeconomic growth, and providing appropriatejob. The potential development of tourism village is an important part of tourism industry development in Indonesia. The opportunity to compete with other countries is very huge, both quantitatively and qualitatively, due to the large potential that village has. Media selection is essential in marketing communication, thus the goals and objectives can be achieved effectively, efficiently, and optimally. The choice of media used can influence the knowledge, understanding, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior of modern society. It is believed that the tourism village actors have not been able to implement social media-based marketing communication practices. Although this practiceis an important element for the development and sustainability of a tourism village that can bring a large number of tourist visits, thus benefits can be obtained optimally. The aims of this study were to describe the capacity level of tourism village actors and the sustainability of tourism businesses, and to analyze the ability of tourism village actors in social media-based marketing communications, known to many people, then can contribute to the economy of the community. The method used in this study was literature study supported by field research. Primary data were collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews to obtain in-depth information from key informants with a descriptive analysis approach. The results of the study revealed that the capacity level of tourism actors and the sustainability of tourism village business through social media-based marketing communications in Bogor Regency are still low. This level of empowerment and capacity discovery can be used as a guide and direction for developing capacity for tourism village actors and improving the ability to adequatelyutilize the development of social media-based communication technology, therefore tourism village actors have independence, skills, creativity, innovation and adaptive in marketing potential, markets, and tourism business sustainability.


Tourism village, capacity of tourism actors, business sustainability, marketing communication, social media.

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