Development Of Computer Media For Interactive Learning Course Pump And Compressors Application In Students Of D3 Mechanical Engineering Program
This research was conducted with a background on the problem of students who have difficulty understanding the pump and compressor application course. This can be seen from the very low student learning outcomes, namely, 60% of the total students have not reached the material standard. Whereas the minimum material mastery standard is 75% of all students. Thus the research output is interactive learning computer media and the research target is that students can understand the subjects of pumps and compressors and can improve student learning outcomes. The method used follows the R n D model. The subjects of this research are students of the D3 Mechanical Engineering study program at the Indonesian Naval Technology College (STTAL) and the research objects to be developed are the pump and compressor application courses. The benefit of this research collaboration is a form of sharing expertise between the curriculum and educational technology majors with STTAL so that it is expected to obtain output results in the form of measuring the quality of pump and compressor application courses in students of the STTAL Mechanical Engineering D3 study program in the form of interactive learning media on pump and compressor application courses.
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