Influence of Guided Inquiry Based on Learning Styles for Student Student Outcome (Cognitive) Grade XI in Senior High School 3 Kerinci

Veri Anggriawan, Abdul Razak, Ramadhan Sumarmin


Based on the observations that have been made in class XI Senior High School 3 Kerinci shows that learners have not played an active role in learning, teachers have not been able to engage learners to play an active role. After observation found that the difficulties teachers facilitate learning styles of learners varied. Teachers use the lecture method, currently used methods applied appropriate for learners who have auditory learning style only. Efforts should be made to overcome this problem is to use the model Guided Inquiry in the learning. This study aims to determine the effect model of  guided inquiry the competence of learners. This study is a experimental research The study population was the students of grade XI Senior high School in the school year 2016/2017, while the sample of this research was the students of class XI A1 as the experimental class treated model of Guided Inquiry  class XI and A2 classes the control-treated models conventional. Sampling was done by technique. purposive sampling The instrument used in this study is a form of learning styles to determine the learning styles of students, in the form of cognitive test questions about the description and observation sheet affective and psychomotor. Analysis of the data in this study using T test for cognitive competencies, as well as u test for competency affective and psychomotor. The results showed that the value of competence of learners experimental class is better than the control class learners based cognitive means. It can be concluded that the model of Guided Inquiry affect the competence skills of learners. Biology students with a visual learning style that follows the guided inquiry learning is higher than students who are obeying the conventional learning, biology students with auditory learning style that follows the guided inquiry learning is higher than students who are obeying the conventional learning. biology students with kinaesthetic learning style that follows the guided inquiry learning is higher than conventional students working with the program


Guided Inquiry, Student Learning Style (Visual, Auditori, Kinesthetic), Student Outcome (Cognitive)

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