Animation-Based Learning Media for Thematic Learning of Elementary School Students
This study aims to determine the feasibility of learning media products based on animation for fourth grade elementary school students, namely thematic learning with the theme "The Beauty of Diversity in My Country" (the sub-theme of the diversity of ethnic groups and religions in my country). Using the research and development (R&D) method, the model used refers to Dick & Carey model. The results showed that animation-based learning media in thematic learning with the theme "The beauty of diversity in my country" (the sub-theme of the diversity of ethnic groups and religions in my country) is deemed appropriate and can add to the teaching media used by teachers in the learning process and can increase student interest. This is based on the results of validation tests by: (1) media product experts with a score of 4.1 (good); (2) the thematic expert gave a score of 4.2 (good); and (3) classroom teachers with an average score of 4.9 (very good). At the individual trial stage an average value of 4.0 (good) was obtained, the small group trial obtained an average value of 4.2 (very good), while in large group trial an average value of 4.1 (good) was obtained.
Keywords: Instructional media, thematic learning, animation
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