Results of Validity and Practicality Test of ICT-Science Learning Material with Learning Cycle Model for Improving Digital Literacy of Students

Esti Aprilia Usman, Asrizal Asrizal


The era of industrial revolution 4.0 made a significant impact on various aspects including the world of education. One of these influences is the existence of ICT-based learning material. ICT-based learning material can make learning more effective, interesting, and meaningful. Also, in the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution, a variety of skills must be possessed by someone. However, the real conditions show that the existing science learning material are still lacking to form someone who has skills by the demands of the 4.0 revolution era. An alternative solution to this problem is to develop ICT-science learning material with learning cycle model for improving  digital literacy of students. This type of research is development research. The development model used is the ADDIE model which stands for analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The instruments used to collect data consisted of validity sheets and practicality sheets given to teachers and students. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the data analysis, two research results were obtained. First, the test results of the validity of ICT-science learning material with learning cycle model are in the very well category with an average value of 91.29. Based on these results it can be indicated that the ICT-science learning material with learning cycle model are valid. Second, the practical results of ICT-science learning material with learning cycle model according to the teacher and students are in the very well category with average scores of 92.08 and 80.69. This indicates that ICT-science learning material with learning cycle model can be said to be practical. Thus, it can be concluded that ICT-science learning material with learning cycle model for improving digital literacy of students are valid and practical.


ICT-Science Teaching Material, Learning Cycle Model, Digital Literacy

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