Developing a Social Studies Instruction Module Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning

Elyza Anggreani, Bukman Lian, Nila Kesumawati


This study developed a product in the form of a Social Studies Learning Module Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning. The development model used is the Dick and Carrey development model with the ADDIE model concept. Research data analysis techniques use quantitative and quantitative approaches. Data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires, observation, documentation. The results of the study indicated that 1) the feasibility of the Social Studies learning module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning was included in the "good" category; 2) Based on the results of the analysis above, it is known that the value of the average respondent score of 72 is greater or equal to the minimum score plus the interval, namely 69 and smaller or equal to the maximum score, namely 77 or 72≤73≤77. The Social Studies learning module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning is considered practical because it has a good level of understanding and is easily understood by students.

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