Training on the Making of 3D Geographic Learning Media (Models of Earth Fours and Fractions and Earth Structures) In Sma N 2 Batang Anai -Padang Pariaman Regency And Sma N 5 Pariaman City

Sari Nova, Deded Chandra, Helfia Edial, Lailatur Rahmi, Sri Kandi Putri, Aprizon Putra, Dedi Hermon, Arie Yulfa, Sri Mariya, Bayu Wijayanto, Ratna Wilis, Mandriyanti Mandriyanti


This article aims to improve the ability of teachers and students to create 3D geography learning media (fold and fracture models of the earth and earth structures) and to improve teachers' understanding and ability in terms of understanding pedagogical aspects which can be seen from the process of designing a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). especially in terms of choosing a model or learning method. This activity was carried out at SMAN 2 Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman Regency and SMA N 5 Pariaman City using training methods, question and answer, and practice. The participants involved were geography teachers and students who were represented in each class with 10 participants. With the COVID-19 Pandemic and appeals from the government to comply with health protocols by checking temperature, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, maintaining distance, wearing masks and wearing face shields, this activity was carried out with limited participants, so that COVID-19 transmission did not become the newest cluster in the activity area. Activities are carried out in compliance with health protocols and implementing all the regulations that have been listed previously. The activities include conducting training related to designing effective instructional media and conducting training related to making models of the earth's folds and fractures and earth structures for geography teachers and students. The results of the training carried out at SMAN 2 Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman Regency and SMA N 5 Pariaman City in the form of 3D models and the increased abilities of teachers and students in making learning media, in this case, are models of earth folds and fractures and earth structures. From this training, the teacher has increased the understanding/ability of the pedagogical aspects that can be seen from the process of designing lesson plans, especially in terms of selecting learning models. Geography teachers also understand better about adequate competence in terms of designing and utilizing media so that quality and effective learning is created.


RPP, pedagogy, folds model, fault model, earth structure model, geography

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