Khoja Muhammad Porso a Comprehensive Scientist and his Work “Tafsiri Qur’on”

F. E. Fayzullaev


This article covers the life of Khoja Muhammad Porso, a prominent member of the Khojagan Naqshbandi sect, and the history of his “Tafsiri Karan” and its preservation in world libraries. The research work of oriental scholars who have studied Khoja Muhammad Porso as a commentator has been analyzed. There is also a description of the manuscript of Khoja Muhammad Porso's “Tafsiri Karan”, which is the only autographed copy kept in the manuscript fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni.


Sufism, Tafsir, Assad Manuscript, Nazir Ahmad, Qadr, Bayyina, Tafsiri Samoniy, Laleli, Mir Odil Khoja Sahhof.

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