Thermodynamic Studies of the Possibility of Free Carbon Formation during the Synthesis of Calcium Cyanamide by the Carbide-Free Method

O.Kh. Panzhiev, A.Kh. Panzhiev


The article presents the results of the study of the effect of the volumetric velocity of the initial gas mixture on the calcium cyanamide yield. In the studied range of volumetric velocity and CO2: NH3 ratio, the optimal temperature of calcium cyanamide synthesis was shown to be 8000C. As a result of the research, the initial temperature of thermal decomposition of ammonia was calculated for the first time on the basis of new physicochemical constants by thermodynamic calculations and the probability of additional chemical reactions between ammonia and carbon dioxide was determined. The effect of the main technological parameters on the synthesis of calcium cyanamide was determined. The composition of the exhaust gases from calcium cyanamide synthesis reactors has been studied as a function of temperature.


Thermodynamic, Free Carbon Formation, Synthesis, Calcium Cyanamide, Carbide-Free Method.

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