Development of Entrepreneurship Learning Model in Implementation of High-Achieving (Prestative) Behavior at State Vocational High School (VHS)

Leni Zahara, Azwar Ananda, Ganefri Ganefri, Ridwan Ridwan


The purpose of this research was to investigate: 1) How did Vocational High School students (VHS) utilize compulsory entrepreneurship education program as a media in entrepreneurship activity. 2) How development entrepreneurship learning model improve students‘ ability of High-Achieving (prestative) behaviour of entrepreneur at Vocational High School (VHS) student. 3) How to plan, apply, evaluate, and improve students‘ grade 4) How development entrepreneurship learning model improves High-Achieving (Prestative) behaviour of based on validity, effectiveness, and practicality. This study used to research and development (R & D) development model and the ADDIE design development model. The developed learning model was entrepreneurship learning model in implementation of High-Achieving (prestative) behaviour. Sample of this research was 106 students of Vocational High School (VHS) of Farming who consisted of class X.1.1, X.1.2, X.2.1 and X.2.2 and it used purposive sampling. Practicality model test through teachers and students perception that measured by the questioner. Effectiveness entrepreneurship learning model test that developed in the implementation of High-Achieving (prestative) behaviour which used performance test by comparing students‘ achievement who followed entrepreneurship learning. Based on the result of teacher perception research about entrepreneurship learning model in implementation of High-Achieving (prestative) behaviour learning model was stated in the good category


Development Learning Model, Entrepreneurship, High-Achieving (Prestative) Behaviour.

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