Acculturation and Socio-Cultural Interactions between the People of Betawi Tribe and Portuguese Descents in Kampung Tugu Koja, North Jakarta

Rahmadya Putra Nugraha, Rahmadya Putra Nugraha


Culture is the root of our social life. Every individual has the culture he was born with, which is passed down from the ancestors to the next generation. All societies and cultures in this world are always moving, changing and developing. Bringing a new culture to a new environment is not necessarily well received. Therefore, from ancient times there has been a process of acculturation or a merging of two cultures without eliminating the original cultural identity, such as the interaction of Portuguese culture and Betawi Tribe culture existing in Kampung Tugu - Koja, North Jakarta.

Literature review in this study consists of concepts as the thinking and theoretical basis, which includes concepts regarding Intercultural Communication as well as concepts that explain Acculturation, Cultural Adaptation, and Cultural Elements, equipped with the concept of Community Socio-Cultural Interaction which is used in accordance with the focus of this study.

This was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The study method used here was a case study by conducting in-depth interviews with the informants and also observations and documentation.

Based on the results of the study, the cultural acculturation in the socio-cultural interaction between the Portuguese descents and the culture of the Betawi tribe in Kampung Tugu-Koja, North Jakarta showed mutual respects and they maintained social and religious order and harmony and worked together in conducting long-established social systems.

Keywords: Acculturation, Socio-Cultural, Society, Interactions



Acculturation, Socio-Cultural, Society, Interactions

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