Management Counseling System for Junior High School Students With a Knowledge Management System Approach

Agnes Novita Ida, M. Isnin Faried


Non-academic problems are often experienced by junior high school students that lead to, among others, disruption of academic achievements. Careful handling shall be necessary as the students at this level are still in their self-development stages and have yet found a good level of maturity. Thus far, a school counseling system has been implemented but in reality the system has not been well documented by using an aid tool in information technology-based system.

A knowledge management system (KMS) is necessary in providing assistance to school counselors (“BK teachers”) in managing counseling processes, and by using this approach as the aid tool, thus non-academic problems experienced by the students can be dealt with.

This system is built by conducting a proper database design for managing the knowledge. The development process uses a Socialize, Externalize, Combined and Internalize model (SECI model) approach and implements a tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge method in a knowledge management system that has been developed for purposes of counseling systems.

The knowledge management system that is developed has met with expected requirements in documenting the problems dealt with by the students as well as making BK teachers easier on making the best use of their own knowledge from experience in dealing with various problems that have been faced in their school.


knowledge management, SECI Model, tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge, knowledge management system

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