The Influence of the Question Students Have Learning Model by Paying Attention to Initial Ability on Participants' Competencies Class X student at SMAN 4 Kerinci
Abstract - This study aims to determine the effect of the question students have learning model by paying attention to the initial ability of students' learning competencies. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with a randomized control group postets only design. The research sample consisted of class X MIPA3 as the experimental class and class X MIPA4 as the control class. The instruments used were test and non-test. Data analysis was performed using the two-way ANOVA test for knowledge competence and t-test for attitude and skill competency. The findings show that there is a significant difference between the competence of students in the experimental class and the control class, where the competence of students in learning biology in the experimental class is higher than the control class. The assessment is carried out on the competence of students such as aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. In the aspect of knowledge the average value of the experimental class students was 79.13 and the control class was 69.07. In terms of students' attitudes, the average score in the experimental class was 80.93 and in the control class was 74.05. Aspects of skills, the average score in the experimental class is 85.37 and 76.03 in the control class. The results of statistical tests showed significantly different learning outcomes in the aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. The application of question students have learning in biology learning can improve the learning competence of students in the aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills.
Keywords: Question Students Have Model, Initial Ability and Learning Competence.
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