Knowledge and Attitude of Elderly Man toward Smoking Behavior in Tuncung Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency
Elderly is someone who reaches the age of 60 years and over. Smokers classified as old age are smokers who are at least 60 years old. Based on the age factor, the elderly are expected to adopt a healthy lifestyle one of them by stopping smoking. However, smoking behavior is sometimes described as a source of pleasure. This is due to the level of knowledge about smoking-related diseases and the risk of smoking is very low. This study aims to analyze the knowledge and attitudes of older men towards smoking behavior. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data obtained by in-depth interviews and observations on 13 informants consisting of elderly men who still smoke, elderly men who stop smoking, families, health workers, and religious leaders. Content analysis is used to identify topics or themes in the data. The results showed that informants 'knowledge about cigarettes was still lacking, informants' attitudes towards smoking behavior were influenced by the perceived impact, family support, health workers and local government were very important in efforts to stop smoking and increase knowledge about the dangers of smoking. Therefore, it is important for health workers to provide counseling about the dangers of smoking and provide counseling facilities for smokers who have intended to stop smoking.
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