Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Discovery Learning Integrated with Inderapura Culture to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability for Junior High School Student of Grade VIII

Rora Dwi Putri, Hendra Syarifuddin


Based on the preliminary analysis conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Pancung , the students' mathematical problem solving ability was still low. The low ability of students to solve mathematical problems caused by (1) teachers do not use worksheet in the learning process, (2) The learning process that has not facilitated students to construct their own knowledge. Based on this problem, researchers developed mathematical learning media based on discovery learning integrated with Inderapura culture to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities.

This research was a development research conducted with the Plomp development model. This model was carried out in 3 stages. In the first stage was the preliminary research phase and it was needs analysis, curriculum analysis, student analysis and concept analysis. In the second stage was the development or prototype phase which was designed in accordance with the integrated learning discovery model of Inderapura culture. In the third stage was the assessment phase which aimed to see the effectiveness of learning media by conducting large group field tests. The subjects of this study were the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Pancung Soal. Data collected by documentation, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Data from observations, questionnaires and tests were analyzed quantitatively and strengthened by the results of the documentation analyzed descriptive qualitative.

The results showed that mathematics learning media in the form of lesson plan andworksheet based on discovery learning integrated with Inderapura culture for grade VIII in the second semester of Junior High School were produced by fulfilling valid, practical and effective categories. Validity was tested in terms of content, usage, language and graphics. Applicable in terms of application, time, ease of use and effective in terms of potential impacts on students' mathematical problem solving abilities. The conclusion was mathematics learning mediawas feasible to be used as reference material in mathematics learning, especially materials for constructing flat side spaces in gradeVIII of SMP N 2 Pancung.


discovery learning integrated with Inderapura culture, mathematical problem solving ability.

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