Development of PBL-Based Biology Students Worksheets with Character Education to Enhance Learning and Critical Thinking Competencies in Class XI High School Students

Juliawati Juliawati, . Lufri


This study aims to develop a Biology LKPD based on Problem Based Learning with character education to improve students' learning competency and critical thinking. The development model used is Ploom. The study was conducted at SMAN 1 Ranah Pesesir. The test was conducted in class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 as subjects. Testing uses questions in the form of multiple-choice and essay. The LKPD validity results obtained are as follows: subject matter expert 96.66%, learning design expert 92%, and learning media expert 90%. The LKPD practicality results are as follows: individual test results of 90% on very good qualifications, small group test results of 91.6% on very good qualifications, and field test results of 90.5% on very good qualifications. The affectivity of 29 students, 9 grading points are very good and 19 grading points are good enough, on average the affective aspects are categorized pretty well. Two-tailed f test with α0.05 (0, 1164> 0.05). Calculation of t-test for α 0.05 with df 56 is 1.6730, it turns out t-count> t-table. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that PBL-Based Biology LKPD loaded with Character Education can improve students' learning competency and critical thinking.


R&D, LKPD, PBL, Character Education, Critical Thinking

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