The Influence of Learning Facilities and Motivation On Student’s Achievement

Zakaria Zakaria, Edi Harapan, Yenny Puspita


Achieving development goals through improving the quality of education is an effort to produce quality and prefessional human resources. The school is a place where the teaching and learning process runs between teachers and students by maximizing the use of facilities to explore their potential and achievements. In the learning process motivation also plays an important role in the achievement of student learning activities. The learning process must also be supported by appropriate management, both internal and external. Lack of attention to this important component has an impact on the low effectiveness of learning. SMA PGRI 2 Palembang is a private school that is not free from problems, so it is considered necessary to do research related to improving the quality of education through learning facilities and student motivation in obtaining achievement. Based on the partial calculation, it was found that there was a significant influence of learning facilities and motivation on student achievement It is necessary to pay attention to learning facilities and motivation to trigger student’s achievement.

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