Reflection and Impact of the Integration of New Technologies of Information and Communication on the Pedagogical Act

Hicham LABIOUI, Abdelhamid LECHHAB, Zineb GUESSOUS, Mustapha BELFAQUIR, Mustapha HAFID


Information and communication technologies are present in all areas of social, cultural and economic life. These tools are now indispensable for successful social and professional integration. The reform of Moroccan secondary education marking the transition to the system of innovation and quality in 2002 is in line with the socio-cognitive learning process which requires schools to rethink the curriculum in terms of learning outcomes Training and not just in terms of disciplinary content. The results of the survey reveal that 57% of teachers surfed the internet two hours a day in the case of flap management, 24% are sailing everyday, and 17% are never browsed on the internet.

The results of the survey reveal that 57% of teachers surfed the internet two hours a day in the case of flap management, 24% are sailing everyday, and 17% are never browsed on the internet. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire and the observation carried out on the ground, several observations are necessary. Moreover, the proper appropriation of these new tools represents a real challenge for the Moroccan education system. Unaccompanied, equipment and training are not enough.

We found that only 66.5% of teachers received training in ICTs registered in the case of Kenitra management followed by the management of Salé with a percentage of 65.5%. For the mastery of the use of certain computer software. We found low teacher rates for the use of graphics, database and programming software with a rate of 33.50%, with a fairly high percentage of teachers having an average to good Use of spreadsheets, presentations.

Our study provides some thoughts on the uses of ICT in training in a public secondary school known by its staff. It highlights the lack of consideration of the contribution of ICTs in the definition of educational objectives in the different paths provided in the school and the lack of guidance and guidance for cross-curricular and disciplinary skills Of the pupil acquired by ICT in his or her personal sphere.


ICTs, Learning process, Thinking and impacts, Teaching act

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