Mapping the High Risk Populations Against Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Padang West Sumatra Indonesia

Elsa Yuniarti, D Hermon, I Dewata, E Barlian, U Iswamdi


Rapid outbreaks of coronavirus in 2019 (COVID-19), arising from acute coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) acute respiratory syndrome infections, have recently become a public health emergency. As one of the cities affected by COVID-19. The city of Padang found the highest case of COVID-19 in the province of West Sumatra and had a high risk of COVID-19 infection with a high rate of elderly population and comobidity diseases, namely diabetes, hypertension and tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is to mapping the distribution of high-risk populations to COVID-19 events in Padang City. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. Systematic data searches conducted for vulnerable groups to COVID-19 were obtained from the Padang City health profile database in 2019 and to update the latest case of COVID-19. The research analysis unit was an administrative region according to the sub-district. The distribution of comorbidity was carried out using GIS analysis techniques using Arc-GIS 10.5 software. Padang City was recorded as the most widespread cluster of positive cases of COVID-19 in West Sumatra Province with a total of 99 confirmed positive cases, Padang Barat District with a total of 28 cases. The high risk population distribution data towards COVID-19 is the highest elderly in Kuranji District with a total of 9722, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and tuberculosis highest in Koto Tangah District, with 11329, 4441 and 2583 cases. Conclusion The highest COVID-19 case in Padang city is not in the sub-district that has a high-risk population infected with COVID-19, but the sub-district must be monitored for those with high-risk population. The elderly population and comorbidities, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis are risk factors for COVID-19 infection. COVID-19 is a new disease that has become a pandemic. This disease must be wary of because of relatively rapid transmission, has a mortality rate that cannot be ignored.


COVID-19, high risk, Padang City, SIG

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