Principal Training and Supervision in Improving Teacher’s Discipline and Performance

Sutrisno Sutrisno, Yasir Arafat, Rohana Rohana


This study aimed at finding out teacher’s discipline, performance, supervision in improving the discipline and performance of teachers in 29 public schools in Pulau Rimau. The sources of data were principals and teachers. The research method was qualitative by using interview. The results of the study showed that 1) guidance and supervision of school principals is carried out by conducting class visits, meetings, training, and watching and supervising the discipline and performance of teachers. However, this activity must be routinely carried out in order to be maximal, because from the results of the research, the principal does not yet have a well-arranged schedule; 2) the picture of discipline seems to have run quite well, but it still needs to be improved considering the learning process requires a high level of discipline; 3) teacher’s performance at SD Negeri 29 Pulau Rimau has not run optimally, especially when learning it is still found by teachers who use learning using conventional methods; 4) the obstacle found is the lack of communication which makes it difficult for the pattern of guidance and supervision of school principals and teachers who have not been able to solve learning problems such as technology as a medium of learning.


Coaching and Supervision, Work Discipline, and Teacher’s Performance

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