The Influence of Product Quality, Promotion, and Design Toward Furniture Purchase Decision

Erdiansyah Erdiansyah


This study aimed at determining the effect of product quality, promotion, and design on furniture simultaneously toward the consumer furniture purchase decision of PT. Tribos Nusantara Palembang. This study used questionnaire as an instrument to collect perception data from respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis and causal analysis. Descriptive analysis is applied to recognize and explain the characteristics of the variables examined in a situation, whereas causal analysis is designed to check whether one event causes another event. The results of this study in multiple linear regression analysis showed that there was a simultaneous influence between product quality, promotion, and design with the consumer furniture purchase decision of PT. Tribos Nusantara Palembang. Likewise, the influence of the level marketing mix on PT. Tribos Nusantara Palembang with significant product quality, promotions and designs.


Product Quality, Promotion, Design, and Purchasing Decisions.

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