The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth to Repurchase Intention of Shopee Online Store Consumers in Medan City

Sesria Iidh Arima, . Zulkarnain, Eka Danta Jaya Ginting


The development of technology from year to year is increasingly rapid. The development of the use of the internet is one form of technological development that has delivered many conveniences in various activities in life, such as online business transactions. Every online store expects an increase in total transactions, both from new customers and from previous consumers to increase profits. Thus, online seller need to understand the reasons why consumers are willing to repeat purchases through the online store. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of electronic word of mouth on repurchase intention. This study involved 415 consumers of Shopee online store in Medan. Measuring instruments used in this study were the scale of repurchase intention and electronic word of mouth scale. Based on the results of the regression analysis shows that electronic word of mouth has a positive and significant effect on the intention to repurchase. The implication of this research is that online store company can increase the intention to repurchase consumers by empowering consumers to disseminate positive information in various internet media.


Repurchase Intention, Electronic Word of Mouth, Consumer, Shopee Online Store

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