The Jokowi Political Imagery In the Perspective of Communication Philosophy

Tri Wahyu Susilo



This research aimed to know the politics of imaging by president Jokowi, from the perspective of communication philosophy. The self-image of a leader is very important, let alone as a symbol of the country. Jokowi frequently appears as communication populist, original and non-abstract. Appearance was followed by the behavior of '' charity '' which symbolized by the bicycle gift, book packages, and package of food in a variety of occasions. This reseach  is a literature study with the main data is information displaying Jokowi activities associated with the imaging. Data will be approached from the perspective of communication philosophy. The discussion was conducted by discussing ontologically, epistemically and axiologically on Jokowi's behavior in his self-image.

The results of this study is  ontologically Jokowi understand what is the value of self as a leader. He asks himself who am I, in the position of being 'prabu' or a King. Epistemically, imaging patterns that do come from experience as an entrepreneur, learning of the value  of Javanese, and on going process as head of state / a president. The last, epistemologically, Jokowi imaging was not far be wrong to say as a continuation of the current personal character into a simple and honest businessman. The conclusions  can be said in this research is imaging Jokowi political nuanced by personal character that is low profile and deck at all levels of society, plus of '' necessity '' that indentify away from the nominating party, PDI - Struggle as grassroots.


Imagery, Jokowi, Communication Philosophy

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