Implementation of the Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Program (Nusp-2) in Overcoming Urban Slums of Tanjungbalai City

Rasmi Wahyudi, Prof. Subhilhar MA.Ph.d, Dr.Rujiman MA


The city of Tanjungbalai has received loans from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to overcome urban slums through the Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Program (NUSP-2) which is a continuation of the previous program. In NUSP-2, Tanjungbalai has a loan of USD 3.5 Million to handle approximately 45.21 ha of priority slum areas for 3 years (2015-2017). This study aims to evaluate the implementation of NUSP-2 in overcoming slums in the city of Tanjungbalai. Analytical methods for evaluating urban slums are analyzed qualitatively-descriptively using SPSS. The results of 99 questionnaires distributed to respondents, 55.6% of respondents stated that the construction of concrete roads provides a very good citizen traffic access, 44.4% stated fairly good, 2% stated neutral and 1% stated not good. Similarly, the construction of drainage channels and culverts, 39.4% of respondents stated drainage water flow to be very good, 33.3% stated fairly good, 10.1% stated neutral and 12.1% less good and 5.1% stated not good. In 2015 only about 4.47% of the slum area ae handled or about 15.76 ha. This is because only 7 (seven) villages are able to implement NUSP-2 while 8 (eight) villages are not yet ready to implement NUSP-2. By 2016, the slum area handled is about 79.53 ha or about 22.54%, slightly up from 2015 because 15 villages have implemented the NUSP-2 project. Cumulatively until 2016 only 95.29 ha of slum area is handled or about 27%.


NUSP-2; Slums Area; Evaluation; Villages; Loan

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Copyright (c) 2017 Rasmi Wahyudi, Prof. Subhilhar MA.Ph.d, Dr.Rujiman MA

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