Review of the First Use of Magnesium Sulphate in the Management of Gravide Toxemia’s Complication at the University Hospital of Obstetric Gynecology in Befelatanana (HUGOB)

Marie Osé Judicael HARIOLY NIRINA, Josoa Andrianiaina RAKOTOARISOA, Hajamihamina Marina Parfaite RANDRIANTSOA, Mamitiana ANDRIANIRINA, Nicole Cathérine RAKOTOARISON, Andry Mampionona RIEL, Andriambelo Tovohery RAJAONERA


Introduction: Eclampsia is the occurrence of a tonicoclonic seizure in the context of hypertensive pathology of pregnancy. Our objective is to describe the epidemic profile of the disease and to assess the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate in its management.


Method: A six-month prospective and descriptive study including women with eclampsia was conducted at the University Hospital for Obstetric Gynecology in Befelatanana. Each patient had been given  4 g of slow direct intravenous loading in 15 minutes followed by 5g of intramuscular in both buttocks and then an alternative 5 g in each buttock every 4 hours until 24 hours after the delivery or the last seizure.


Result: During this period, we had collected 69 cases out of 3924 admissions, a prevalence of 1.88%. They were under 26 years of age in 72.50% of cases. The mean blood pressure at admission was 167.68 32.09mmHg. Antepartum eclampsia represented 85.80% of the cases. We had found 5 cases of relapse after treatment or 7.20%, a decrease in blood pressure 30 minutes after the charge dose in 68.1%, 7.2%. Patients had a decrease or abolition of osteotendinous reflex, 23.20% of newborns and 5.80% of mothers had died

Conclusion: Magnesium sulphate had been shown to be effective in this preliminary study. We recommend it throughout the country for the treatment of eclampsia.


: Epidemiology, eclampsia, magnesium sulphate, management

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Copyright (c) 2020 Marie Osé Judicael HARIOLY NIRINA, Josoa Andrianiaina RAKOTOARISOA, Hajamihamina Marina Parfaite RANDRIANTSOA, Mamitiana ANDRIANIRINA, Nicole Cathérine RAKOTOARISON, Andry Mampionona RIEL, Andriambelo Tovohery RAJAONERA

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