Confocal Laser Staining Microscopy for Microstructure Observation on Starch-Based Food Systems

Gusti Setiavani, Sugiyono Sugiyono, Adil Basuki Ahza, Nugraha Edhi Suyatma


The research on starch-based food products using CLSM remains limited. Therefore, this paper provides the basic principles of CLSM coloring methods which is the development of a conventional confocal microscope, and its application in the starch-based food field. The principle of CLSM reflects on certain light to produce 3D images, which uses flouroscents probes with the right wavelength to clearly visualize objects. Some flouroscents probes often used to color starch are APTS and FITC. Aside from its function in observing the structure of starch, CLSM tends to provide changes in starch granules due to the processing, storage and presence of other components such as protein, fat, and hydrocolloids. Furthermore, in a complex system consisting of various constituent materials, it requires modifications in its coloring technique to assure that the structure of the system is clear and intact. Therefore, CLSM is an excellent microscopy approach to observe the microstructure of starch-based food.


Starch, confocal microscope, flourescents, APTS, FITC

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