Academic Advising and Retention among Engineering Students of Southern Leyte State University
A study was conducted to determine the students’ retention rate and academic advising policies and procedures adopted in Southern Leyte State University for academic year 2006-2007 as basis for an intervention scheme. Descriptive-normative survey was the research method used utilizing two types of researcher-made questionnaire and one standardized questionnaire, the Manchester Personality Questionnaire and Otis-Lennon School Ability Test for the IQ and Personality Test of the student-respondents. Results showed that profile of student-respondents was common of typical college students. IQ and personality test results the engineering students were on average level. Retention rates in different year levels and academic years were fluctuating. One recommendation of the study is to conduct a correlational study between the degree of implementation of an Academic Advising Program and retention rates of engineering students to improve the academic advising management in the Engineering Department of SLSU.
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