Cross-Faith Communication and Practice of Tolerance through Cultural Approach in Rakanan Giyanti
Rakanan Giyanti is a traditional ceremony in Giyanti village that has been initiated long time ago and regularly carried out ever since. This ceremony is held on every 1st Syuro (Javanese calendar). Before the ceremony, people in the village visit each other’s houses in order to tighten close relationship among them. There are several steps done during the procession of Rakananand it is started by pilgrimage to ancestors’ grave and carry offerings, tenongan creation, ritual held in village pavilion and it is continued with Rakanan and lengger graduation. When joining Rakanan, community of Giyantidresses themselves up on Javanese traditional costumes as men put on beskap and blangkon, whereas women wear kebaya.They gather within the diversity of faiths like Islam, Christian, Catholic, and a belief called Pangestu.
This research discusses how cultural approach of Rakanan becomes the medium of cross-faith communication by practicing tolerance. Interpersonal communication that is well-established is able to unify various elements of faith so that it enriches the uniqueness of RakananGiyanti as well as gives greater value than many other similar Rakanan events in other places. By applying descriptive-analytic method, the result of the research shows how RakananGiyanti is able to become medium for cross-faith communication by practicing tolerance in preserving ancestors culture and it helps to preserve the existence of Rakanan tradition in Giyanti village.
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