Validity of Student Worksheet (LKPD) Based on Guided Inquiry with Microorganisms topic for Senior High School Students of Class X

Indri Rahmawati, Dwi Hilda Putri


Biology belongs to one field of natural science that provides a variety of learning experiences to understand the concept and process of science.One of the topics discussed in biology subjects in Class X of odd semester is microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, protists and fungi). Microorganism material (viruses, bacteria, protists and fungi) is difficult material because microorganisms are microscopic creatures that cannot be seen directly. Students usedstudent worksheets that have only one sheet containing one subtopic containing a list of questions that tend to be textual, but the student worksheets does not train students to find concepts independently and not train critical thinking. Therefore, new innovations are needed in the learning process. This study aims to produce student worksheets (LKPD) based on guided inquiry on the topic of microorganisms for senior high school students class X and to know about the criteria  of validity. This type of research is Research and Development with the development model of Plomp which consists of three stages, namely the preliminary research phase, development phase, and assessment phase. The validity of student  worksheets based on guided inquirywas obtained from the results of validation that used validation sheet by 3 experts. The results showed that the didactic aspect scored 96.29% have criteria is very valid, the construction aspect scored 97.83% have criteria is very valid, the technical aspect scored 96.00% havecriteria very valid, and the overall average of the three aspects scored 96.71% with a very valid category. Student worksheets (LKPD) based on guided inquiry  have been developed that are expected to be innovative and good quality materials to help improve student learning competencies.


Validity, Student Work Sheet, Guided Inquiry.

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