Preliminary Analysis of Problems in Biology Learning at SMPN 15 Kerinci

Fitri Yuningsih, L Advinda


The purpose of this study was to determine the initial analysis of problems in biology learning at SMPN 15 Kerinci. The study was conducted in January 2019.  This type of research is quasi experimental research. The population was students in grade VIII of SMPN 15 Kerinci registered in academic year 2018/2019. For the sample because it consists of two classes, all classes are sampled. As a result, VIIIA was as experimental class and VIIIB as control class. The instrument used is a test. Data analysis was performed using the t test. The findings showed that there is a significant difference between student’ biology competence in experimental class and control class, in which students’ biology competence in experimental class is higher than in control class. Average score of students’ biology competence in experimental class is 78,77 and in control class is 71,92. So, it can be concluded that biology learning with the help of Student Worksheets based on Problem Based Learning can improve student competence in the knowledge aspect.


Biology Learning; Competence; Student Worksheet; PBL.

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