Validity of Problem-Solving Based Module in Biology Learning Materials of Biodiversity and Ecosystem for X Grade of Senior High School
During learning process in school, teacher has developed learning materials in form of module. The module used by teacher has some weaknesses. One of them is it only contains explanations of learning materials and evaluations so that the use is not optimal to motivate students in independent learning. Beside that, most of students seem to be not active in learning process, especially in group discussion. Consequently, their critical thinking skill is not maximal in understanding learning material. Considering these problems, problem-solving based module is develop to solve the problems. Purposes of the research were to develop a problem-solving based module and to know its validity criteria.It was a developmental research by using Plomp model. The Plomp model consists of three developmental phases, which are preliminary research phase, development or prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Instrument used was module validity instrument. The problem-solving based module was validated by 3 experts. The finding shows that the score of construction aspect is 81.25 with very valid criteria, the score of content validity aspect is 82.29 with very valid criteria, the score of technical aspect is 81.94 with very valid criteria, and the score of linguistic aspect is 81.67 with very valid criteria. So, it is concluded that problem-solving based module is qualified to be used in learning process because it is in very valid category.Beside that, it is expected to be able to improve students' learning outcomes.
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