Contestation of Social Capital on Transmigration Farmers Community (Case Study of Waehatu Transmigration Settlement Unit Farmers, in West Seram District)

Leunard Onisivorus Kakisina, Paulus Melkianus Puttileihalat, Jeter Donald Siwalette


The research aimed to analyze social capital contestation on transmigration community in UPT Waehatu, West Seram regency. The research used constructivism paradigm, with descriptive-exploratory strategy that revealed and explored a phenomenon and drawing it through qualitative data. The results showed that, transmigration farmers from Banyuwangi use natural warning signs (latitude wluku) and neptu farmers as a benchmark in farm management activities and the work is done by gentenan. While transmigration farmers from Banyumas use prey as a rule of prey, and the work is done by way of liuran. The interrelated elements of social capital are trust, participation and mutual relationships. Social capital formed from mutual trust that encourages collective action (fallen mountains, and kerigan). The form of social capital contestation in both communities can be coexistence, hybridization and destruction. Co-existence, occurs at all stages of collective action, guidelines in farming and rituals on farming. Hybridization occurs in the stages of the guidelines in farming and rituals in farming. On social networks, contestation is coexistence, on: rice processing, provision of production facilities, seeding and planting, maintenance and harvesting, and post-harvest. Hybridization occurs at the stage of providing production facilities, seeding and planting, maintenance and harvesting, and post-harvest. While destructive only occurs at the stage of provision of production facilities.The research aimed to analyze social capital contestation on transmigration community in UPT Waehatu, West Seram regency. The research used constructivism paradigm, with descriptive-exploratory strategy that revealed and explored a phenomenon and drawing it through qualitative data. The results showed that, transmigration farmers from Banyuwangi use natural warning signs (latitude wluku) and neptu farmers as a benchmark in farm management activities and the work is done by gentenan. While transmigration farmers from Banyumas use prey as a rule of prey, and the work is done by way of liuran. The interrelated elements of social capital are trust, participation and mutual relationships. Social capital formed from mutual trust that encourages collective action (fallen mountains, and kerigan). The form of social capital contestation in both communities can be coexistence, hybridization and destruction. Co-existence, occurs at all stages of collective action, guidelines in farming and rituals on farming. Hybridization occurs in the stages of the guidelines in farming and rituals in farming. On social networks, contestation is coexistence, on: rice processing, provision of production facilities, seeding and planting, maintenance and harvesting, and post-harvest. Hybridization occurs at the stage of providing production facilities, seeding and planting, maintenance and harvesting, and post-harvest. While destructive only occurs at the stage of provision of production facilities.


Social Capital, Transmigration Farmers Community, Waehatu Transmigration Settlement Unit Farmers.

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