The Integrated Patient Development Record in Type C Hospital Padang

Nopan Saputra, Hema Malini, Mira Susanti


Documentation of patient progress notes integrated communication tools in the integrated care undertaken by professional caregivers in providing health services to patients. Incomplete documentation will form a framework that is not good that would aggravate the framework of the PPA, because of the necessary documentation to do with good professional practice of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and nutrisionist to avoid unexpected events (KTD), medication errors and error intervention. The purpose of this study was to compare the factors that most influence the PPA in the documentation of patient progress notes integrated (CPPT) in the Type C Inpatient Hospital Padang Year 2018 Type of research with cross sectional design. Sampling of this research is proportional random sampling with a sample of 157. Retrieving data using a
questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Chi Square, multiple logistic egression. Research conducted at three hospitals obtained completeness CPPT by 4 professional carer (PPA) is still found CPPT incomplete charging. CPPT charging incompleteness may result in unexpected events (KTD), medication errors and errors that intervention would be detrimental to the patient. Factors most associated with CPPT in the RS Type C Padang is knowledge in the RS
and RS X Y Z Machine while in the hospital. The most influential factor and machine knowledge, in charge of health personnel CPPT necessary knowledge that will improve the completeness CPPT thus the necessity of charging CPPT related education and RS Z should improve the infrastructure so that the CPPT better documentation and to avoid omissions in patient documentation.


CPPT, Knowledge (Man), Materials, Methods and Machine

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