The Effect of Sheet Powerpoint in Mind Map and Entry Behavior Towards Students' Cognitive Competence in Learning Natural Science in Grade VIII of SMPN 5 Bukittinggi

Welly Sri Wahyuni, Azwir Anhar


The result of observation done in grade VIII of SMPN 5Bukittinggi shows that students' cognitive competence in learning Natural Science (IPA) is still low. An effort to overcome the problem is by using Sheet PowerPoint in Mind Map in learning process. Purpose of the research was to know the effect of Sheet PowerPoint inMind Maptowards students' cognitive competence. It was a quasi experimental research. The population was all of grade VIII students in SMPN 5 Bukittinggi registered in first semester in academic year 2016/2017. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. As a result, VIII 3 was as experimental class and VIII 2 was as control class. The instruments used were multiple-choice test and observation sheets. To test hypotheses, technique of data analysis used was T-test. Based on the finding of data analysis and discussion, it is concluded that cognitive competence of students who learned by using Sheet PowerPoint in Mind Map is better than students who learned without using Sheet PowerPointinMind Map.


Effect, Sheet PowerPoint, Mind Map, Cognitive Competence

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