A 20kWh Off-grid Solar System to Power Help of Christian Hospital and Maternity, Okpatu in Udi LGA of Enugu State Nigeria

Engr. Dr. Chidiobi M. Obinna, Dr. Okorie Emeka


In this study, the potentials of solar energy utilization as an off-grid energy option for powering a hospital in  Okpatu, a typical  Nigerian rural community in Udi local government area of Enugu state were considered. Photovoltaic off-grid system is an effective solution to the shortage in power supply for isolated and remote areas undersupplied from the national grid connections. The work here presents a model of Photovoltaic system for powering a hospital in Okpatu. The correct size of the photovoltaic system was determined for all the appliances and equipments available in the hospital and their energy demand profile. Based on the electricity demand profiles and current costs, the analysis shows an improvement in average downtime, improved efficiency and service delivery. Furthermore, with the costs of photovoltaic technology predicted to decline in the next few years and the continuously increasing costs of diesel, the photovoltaic system tends to become economically viable. 


Renewable Energy, Hybrid, Off-Grid Power, Photovoltaic Systems, Energy Demands In Rural Areas.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v48.1.6867


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