Symbolic Meaning in Community Interaction with TNI-AD Family In Koto Lanang Village Depati Tujuh District Kerinci Regency

Tri Nurza Rahmawati, Fatmariza -


This article describe and map the symbolic meaning in the interaction of the community with the TN-AD family in Koto Lanang Village, Depati Tujuh Sub-District, Kerinci Regency. The theory that helps analyze the findings in this study is symbolic interactionism proposed by George Herbert Mead and Blummer. According to Mead the symbol is used as a tool in reaction and Blummer states that the elements of the perspective of symbolic interaction are self-concept, thinking, social interaction, and the social world.

This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research types. Informant selection technique with purposive sampling. The total number of informants was 40 people. Data is collected by interview, observation and documentation. Interviews conducted were in-depth interview techniques and observations made were non-participation observation techniques. Data were analyzed by the interactive analysis techniques of Miles and Huberman (Interactive analysis model) namely data reduction, data model and conclusion drawing.

The results of this study reveal that the symbolic meaning in the interaction of the community with the TNI AD family in Koto Lanang Village is based on the presence of TNI-AD symbols in the community of Koto Lanang Village, then the symbols are interpreted by the community in Koto Lanang Village. The symbols of TNI-AD in Koto Lanang Village consist of: 1) house and photos, 2) stickers, 3) clothes, and 4) vehicles.



Symbols, Meaning, TNI-AD.

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