The Influence Of Visitor Characteristics On Expenditure And Visit Volume In The Talang Lake Area

Sandrio Ivanus, Junaidi Junaidi, Hafriandri Damanhuri


The tourism sector is a potential sector to be developed as a source of regional income. One of the keys to the success of tourism activities is the potential of the tourist attraction as an attraction for tourists to visit. One of the tourism potentials that is an attraction as a destination that is in demand by tourists is nature tourism. The scenery around Lake Talang supports each other forming the beauty of a natural painting. The green expanse of tea gardens and vegetable plantations, the mighty mountains around the lake, and protected forests add to the beauty of Lake Talang Tourism. The research conducted used the concept of surveys and field observations and applied qualitative descriptive analysis. The final results obtained from this study are: 1. Characteristics of visitors who come to Lake Talang have diversity seen from gender, age, origin of visitors, religion, marital status, income work, education, vehicles used and reasons for visiting Lake Talang. 2. The influence of visitors on the development of the location of the Lake Talang ecotourism area.


Characteristics of Visitors, Attraction of Talang Lake, Potential, Talang Lake, Influence Test.

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