Impact of Oceanographic Factors on Productivity Biofouling Waste of Pearl Oysters (Pincada maxima L)

Nendissa Jeanne Ivonne, Rieuwpassa Fredrik, Tetelepta J.M.S, Riry Johan, Tubalawony Simon


This study aims to determine the characteristics of the physical and chemical parameters of Nuruwe waters on the productivity of pearl oyster bifouling and to determine the level of suitability of the location of Nuruwe waters in supporting the management of pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima L.) cultivation. Data collection for this study was carried out in August 2023 at PT. Globalindo Mutiara, Hatusua Village. The oceanographic data used in this study were the results of a survey in the Nuruwe Waters of West Seram, which was conducted during the East Season. The results of the study indicate that Nuruwe waters have fairly good physical-chemical parameter values for pearl oyster biofouling productivity. Thus, the condition of Nuruwe Waters is suitable for pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima L.) cultivation.

Keyword : Pearl Oyster, Biofouling, Oceanographic


Biofouling, Pearl Oyster, Oceanographic

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