Knowledge and Practices Regarding Contraceptives Among Women

Arlinda Jakupi, Endrit Kamberi


Objective: This research aims to examine the knowledge and practices regarding contraceptives among women, identifying the factors influencing their choice and use.

Research Methods: The study was conducted through a structured survey with 200 female participants from various communities. The data were analyzed using statistical methods to assess the relationships between knowledge and contraceptive practices.

Results: The results indicate that a high percentage of women have limited knowledge about the types of contraceptives and their proper use. However, those who received information from health professionals showed a higher rate of contraceptive use.

Conclusions: Poor knowledge about contraceptives contributes to low and inappropriate usage, negatively affecting women's reproductive health. This highlights the need for better education and more informed approaches in this area.

Recommendations: It is recommended that health institutions implement educational programs aimed at increasing knowledge about contraceptives and creating supportive environments for discussing these topics. Additionally, it is necessary to improve accessible services for reproductive health.


Contraceptives, Knowledge, Practices, Reproductive Health, Education.

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