The Effect of Using Wave E-modules on Science Process Skills of Public High School 10 Padang Students

Nia Khairinissa', Desnita Desnita


This study aims to investigate the effect of e-modules on students' science process skills of public high school 10 Padang. The type of research used was quasi- experimental, with the posttest-only control group method. The sample in this study consisted of 36 experimental group students and 36 control group students. Data on science process skills were collected using quantitative methods where the research instruments were in the form of observation formats and posttest instruments that had been tested for quality in the form of validity tests and reliability tests. The test instrument was carried out before data collection which had been tested valid and reliable. The results of data analysis show that there is a difference between the experimental group and the control group with a value of 0.001 at a significance value of 5%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a positive effect of using the wave e-module on the science process skills of Public High School 10 Padang students.


E-modules; Science Process Skills (SPS)

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