Self Disclosure of Sexual Violence Victims in Interpersonal Communication Perspective

Tutut Nur Trias Wijayanti, Andre Rahmanto, Sudarmo .


The purpose of this study was to determine the dimensions of interpersonal communication in the self-disclosure of children victims of sexual violence. In the case of sexual violence the most important is not disclosure of cases so that the perpetrators can be tried according to applicable law, but the importance of victims and families getting treatment in the form of assistance from various sides including psychological, social and religious, so that the impacts that may arise after the event can be minimized. At this point interpersonal communication plays a role in that disclosure. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The results of the study show that the dimensions of interpersonal communication are openness, empathy, supportiveness, and possession. needed in the self-disclosure of someone who becomes a victim of sexual violence. In this case, all three victims of child sexual violence needed good interpersonal communication so that self-disclosure went smoothly according to the needs of the investigation.


Self-disclosure, sexual violence, interpersonal communication

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