Relationship Benefit to Grow Customer Loyalty of BCA Syariah in Surabaya, Indonesia
There are indications of increasing new credit disbursement by banks in February 2023 compared to the previous month. Asosiasi Perusahaan Pembiayaan Indonesia (APPI) said that the figure for financing (credit) in Indonesia until August 2022 reached IDR 450 trillion. This number grew above 8 percent compared to last year. PT. Bank BCA Syariah ("BCA Syariah") was established and started to carry out business activities with proper principles after obtaining a Sharia operating license from Bank Indonesia based on BI Governor Decree No. 12/13/KEP.GBI/DpG/2010 dated 2 March 2009 and then officially operated as an Islamic bank on Monday, 5 April 2010. A research study was conducted in Surabaya, with 100 BCA Syariah customers serving as the sample of respondents. Using the snowball method, the respondents were selected based on the traits of other respondents. Based on the data analysis, five hypotheses were supported.
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